Friday, 4 April 2008

Day 1 - 'Wonderwall - Live Visuals' Lecture & screening by Annet Dekker

Half a screen/The location of the lecture

Following the workshop, we were led up to the roof for a screening and informal lecture by Annet Dekker on VJ Culture. Interspersed with many visually stimulating clips by various VJ-artists, whose projection on a slightly loose screen positioned on top of the bare roof gave a fitting 'grindy' feel to the topic presented, the speaker introduce the audience to the various forms of VJ-ing (the more commercial club-dj versus the performance-art style VJ), the differences between VJ culture in its heydays in the 70s and recent manifestations (originally being part of a youth-movement, it was an artform imbued with ideological messages, which has lessened with the years, to its current status of portraying images as such). As the starry and increasingly chilly Cairene night set in, we were shown as a finale the full video-clip 'Global Groove' of one of the first VJ's, video-artist Nam June-Paik, whose techniques are still being employed today. Watch the first few minutes of this amazing video below:

[Disclaimer: some short lo-fi videos were made this evening of the other video-clips, but unfortunately they were lost in electronic-translation...]

For more works, come by CiC's Video-Library to view both the full half an hour of 'Global Groove' and the other video-clips that were shown!

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