Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Contemporary Media Art from the Netherlands

From April 3 - 6, the Netherlands Media Art Institute is invited at the Contemporary Image Collective in Cairo, Egypt.

The CiC is the first independent artist-run initiative in Egypt, where photographers and video artist are dedicated to the enrichment, analysis, production and dissemination of the visual image borne out of this region.

The program includes a 4 days workshop
on GNU/Linux free software and video-making (حرية الابداع: ورشة صناعة أفلام والبرمجيات المجانية جنو/لينك) focusing on Freedom of Creation (حرية الابداع ) and facilitated by Jaromil, different lectures and screening programs by Joke Ballintijn and Annet Dekker, and a presentation by artist Jeroen Kooijmans.

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